mobile post

I am trying a post from my smartfone.. takes a while to type things out. this fone does not capitalise the first letter of each sentence so i will have to go back and fix this later on. i am not sure if wordpress is the right blog tool for us. might try some other blog sites to try out.

i will try to now upload a photo from my fone…no…cant seem to do it. cant get it to find pix in my fone. this will be a problem as i wont be using a computer.

Trying this out!

Well here is my (our) first post!

This will be a blog for myself (Karen) and my sister (Irene) for our November-December 2012 trip to the UK, parts of Europe (Germany, Prague and Latvia) and Hong Kong.

Here are some photos I took on my last trip (Dec 2010)
